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Thursday September 25, 2014

Dear Friends,

It seems fitting today, Emma's 20th birthday, to share with you an update on how your generosity and love is being put to work.

Since Emma's death in October, Denise and I and extended family have searched for ways to 'repay' your love by multiplying it through individual projects each month. This has helped us to begin to figure out what we should do to honor Emma's spirit -- it has been a beautiful experience. While we prepare to observe Emma's anniversary on October 6th, we are working to outline how your gifts in her honor have helped provide so much - 2 homes for impoverished families in Mexico, allow inner city children to embrace the arts and help Mother Earth keep up with the challenges of man. We hope you will be proud when we share more details.

We have also recently established the Emma Munson Foundation, a 501(c)3 tax exempt corporation with a mission to "promote charitable activity to improve the quality of life." We hope to spark a youth movement towards volunteerism to allow us to achieve this mission. Your memorial donation has helped seed this effort and for that we remain grateful.

For now, another Thank You for your generosity, love and support and prayers for Emma on this day.

Much Love from our family to yours,

Denise & Michael Munson and Family

PS: We found the above in a sketchbook of Emma's and decided to use it as the logo for our charitable foundation - we think it is most fitting...

Save The Date: We are planning a Music and Art fundraiser on Saturday November 15th where we will come to celebrate Emma's beautiful spirit and band together to support 3 very important causes - 1 from each of the 3 inspirations that she left us - Mankind, Mother Earth and The Arts. Details to follow and we hope you can join us.